Alun Griffiths – Chairman 2003 to 2022
Alun Griffiths left for Malaya in 1960, having finished his post-doctoral studies at Oxford. He spent 8 years working at the leprosy hospital in Sungei Buloh, after which he re-located with his family to Melbourne, Australia, and there developed a group to study the ultra-structure of fungi. After a year in Japan, he was offered a Chair at the university of Hong Kong, which was his home for 20 years before retirement in 1993.
At this point he moved to the UK and made Chartham his home, and a few years after arriving he joined Kent Men of the Trees in 1998 and was appointed chairman in 2003, a position he held until 2022.
During his time as Chairman, the Charity records show that more than 10,000 trees were planted, with KMOTT support, in parishes in many schools and other institutions all across the County.
Alun, together with Brian Gray, his close friend and fellow committee member, took an active part in many of the plantings where KMOTT was required to be directly involved. When no participation was needed, Alun still took a personal interest in understanding where the planting was planned, and how the trees would be managed and supported thereafter.
Alun managed the Committee in a light-hearted manner but with purpose and was always quick to add to discussions with knowledge and humour.
Sadly, ill-health has led Alun to the decision to step down from the Committee and restricts his ability to attend visits and outings.
The Committee and the membership of Kent Men of the Trees all have much to thank Alun for.